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We are always open to proposals from manufacturers who are looking for new sales channels for both new and existing products.

Please feel free to contact us if you are a manufacturer who would like your products to be carried in stores, online stores, or beauty salons in Japan, or if you would like to propose your products to our buyers.

신제품, 기존 제품 모두 새로운 판로를 고민하고 있는 제조업체의 제안을 수시로 받고 있습니다.

일본의 매장이나 온라인 스토어, 미용실에서 제품을 취급해 주었으면 좋겠다거나, 바이어에게 제품을 제안하고 싶은 제조업체는 언제든지 연락 주시기 바랍니다.

Thank you for your inquiry, we will reply within 2 business days.




For manufacturers who want to sell cosmetics in Japan.

Do you own a brand of cosmetics? Would you like to sell your cosmetics in the huge Japanese market? We can help you expand your sales channels in Japan.

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